How to Prepare for a Live Event
After spending a lot of time faffing around I finally signed up for a live event on 23rd November 2017, Your Year in PR with Janet...
5 Tips for Tackling Large Tasks
How to tackle large tasks – I put off big tasks, I am doing it right now, but they are often the ones which are never as bad as you...
10 Tips to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
1. Photos Make sure you have a recent business appropriate head shot. I know LinkedIn is a bit less stuffy that it was but it is still...
5 Reasons to Blog After a Live Event
I attended Your Year in PR 2017 last Thursday and I was absolutely blown away by the quality and content of the day, I found myself...
7 Things I Learnt at Your Year in PR 2017
Following much faffing and hesitation I signed up to attend Your Year in PR 2017 in London on the 23rd November, I knew it would be a...